how to carve light
with light
a coruscating dust
falls upon the world
and solidifies
around the empty spaces,
around the hunger
in things
and so I stare
until light becomes
the flesh of the world,
closer to things
than my flesh is to me
I stare
to fill with light
things that
are not only endless
but beginningless
I stare because
I am a carver of light
and I am light too.
how to carve light
with light
a coruscating dust
falls upon the world
and solidifies
around the empty spaces,
around the hunger
in things
and so I stare
until light becomes
the flesh of the world,
closer to things
than my flesh is to me
I stare
to fill with light
things that
are not only endless
but beginningless
I stare because
I am a carver of light
and I am light too.
Originally published in "Inky Needles"